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To attend the recorded classes it is necessary to send the registration form to register the email

PED OnLine


With the COVID-19 pandemic, our Tuesday meetings were unable to be held in person .

Faced with moments of crisis, we need to find creative solutions and that's why we decided to take the clinical meeting to your home.

Every Tuesday at 11:00 am we will hold the PED OnLine , our Clinical Meeting via the zoom application , open to all doctors and medical students.


On the first Tuesday of the month we will have a national or international guest for our Clinical Round.

To attend previous classes (recorded) it is necessary to register and send the form to the e-mail:

The email registered in the form must be the same used for the exclusive access area.

Registration form:
Next week meeting:
PED OnLine - 2020.07.28.png
PED OnLine - 2020.07.21.png
PED OnLine - 2020.07.14.png
Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 17.52.09.png
PED OnLine - 26.05.2020.png
PED OnLine - 2020.07.07.png
PED OnLine - 2020.06.16.png
PED OnLine - 2020.06.09.png
PED OnLine - 2020.07.07 (Reunião Geral)
PED OnLine - 19.05.2020.png
PED OnLine - 2020.06.30.png
PED OnLine - 2020.06.02.png
PED OnLine - 12.05.2020.png

Logo - EPM Otorrino.jpg
Links úteis:
Abope Logo.jpg

Vitor Chen © 2020. Todos os direitos reservados.

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